VertoVerto for Aquirers

Everyone needs to accept payments, but why is it so complex?

Verto simplifies the flow of payments, making them quick, frictionless and cost effective for payment providers.


SoftPOS or Software Point-of-Sale provides a step-change in payment acceptance for merchants. It enables in-person card payments on any mobile device (Android or Apple iOS) – There is no denying that smartphones have dematerialized many physical items that were considered essential in our lives – like calculators and GPS devices, which have all been replaced by the App revolution. SoftPOS is the next phase of hardware evolution , removing the need for hardware-based POS terminals. Now you can accept NFC card payments directly on a mobile phone, providing immediate access to payment acceptance.

Use Case

Card payments are ubiquitous and accepted globally, the nature of NFC contactless payments make card the top choice for consumers. Which means merchants must provide an option to accept card payments.
Merchants often experience difficulty in accessing traditional POS terminals, either due to cost inhibitors, or simply the delay in waiting for hardware to be delivered and installed.

Challenge it Solves:

The SoftPOS application can be downloaded onto any mobile phone, allowing the Merchant to instantly start accepting contactless payments directly on their existing mobile device. SoftPOS allows the merchant to benefit from low-cost instant access to card acceptance, and caters for low-volume use cases such as: in-store queue busting, mobile sales for food trucks or events, small and micro-enterprises.

Streamline payment acceptance with SoftPOS and Verto. Verto Payment Fabric simplifies card-present acquiring with rapid integration to gateways and into payment switches.

Verto is pre-integrated with the market-leading and PCI Certified SoftPOS solution from Phos.

Acquirer Tokenization

Network tokenization significantly improves payment security by substituting sensitive card holder information with abstract tokens values, protecting card holder data and preventing that information from unauthorised use. Verto acts as an intermediary between merchant systems and major Card Schemes (the Token Service Providers), facilitating the secure request and transfer of network tokens, enhancing security with dynamic data authentication.

Use Case

When a merchant needs to process recurring payments, enable one-click checkout, as well as ensuring that card holder data is securely processed and stored, they would benefit by using Tokenization.
In this scenario, the Merchant would be a Token Requestor, relying on a TSP to provide a token to them.

Challenge it Solves:

By integrating with the card schemes and distributing unique tokens to requestors, a TSP shields merchants and apps from needing to store and process vulnerable card holder information, mitigating the risk of data breaches and exposure to fraud.
Not holding card information creates the liability shift away from merchants.

SwitchCare is more than a service – it’s a partnership that adapts to your business needs, ensuring flexibility, access to unparalleled expertise, and the agility to adopt new technologies swiftly.

Let SwitchCare be the cornerstone of your payment switch management, driving efficiency and growth for your business.

Explore Verto for Issuers


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